latest from the lab

organic lead generation produces higher roi than ads

As a potential recession looms, we wanted to be proactive about finding ways to produce higher profit margins for our clients and still offer the highest level of service possible. So, we went into the lab and started testing marketing strategies that would provide you with the same level of high-quality leads you’re used to without spending money on ads.

What we tested

Organic lead generation strategies were tested in over 20 markets nationwide during the course of last year. The basic concept was based on the same approaches we use in our Dental Implant Machine and Ortho Machine ad funnels (see diagram).

To track the success of these strategies, we measured the schedule rate, treatment start rate, and total return on investment for the practice. We then compared our results to those of our ad funnel strategies to those of our paid ad funnels.

What we learned

What makes the organic strategy fail.

  1. SEO is a waste of money if you drive your traffic to a website that isn’t designed to convert (the average website only converts 2% of visitors into leads).
  2. Websites don’t convert visitors into qualified prospective patients unless you give those visitors enough reason to trust and engage with you. (Hint: Generic contact forms or appointment scheduling tools DON”T work)

How to turn an organic lead generation strategy into a scheduled appointment in your office.

  1. There must be a steady amount of traffic sent to the website from qualified patients.
  2. The website must engage the visitor and help them to trust the practice.
  3. There must be an engaging way to entice the website visitor into giving over their contact information. Using treatment-specific education as a download is the best way to accomplish this.
  4. The prospect must be consistently nurtured to continue building trust in the practice and confidence in the treatment they are interested in until they are ready to schedule an appointment.

The data

The following data shows averages across the population of test subjects.

Schedule Rate 20.65% 12.5%
Treatment Start Rate 58.91% 25%
Return on Investment 2170% 900%

We thought a 900% return was pretty good, but 2170% is even better!

implement this organic lead generation strategy right now

Speak to a Dental Implant Machine Growth Analyst to see learn how we can plug in these organic strategies into your marketing plan and help your practice growth skyrocket this year!


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This free guide gives you all the secrets our very own setter center uses to schedule dental implant consults at a rate far beyond the typical office.

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This free guide gives you a side-by-side comparison of all the top dental implant finance companies in the industry to help you choose the financial partners that best suit your practice. 

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This free guide gives you the language each member of your team should use during the decision-making phase of the patient journey. 

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