Running a dental practice is a monumental undertaking.

At Dental Implant Machine, we understand and are here to help relieve some of the pressure.

We work with doctors and practice owners every day who are faced with the overwhelming task of marketing their practice in addition to treating patients, hiring staff, maintaining hygiene standards, and everything that comes with owning a dental practice.

We believe practice owners should be able to focus on giving excellent care and providing a fun and stress-free environment for their teams. 

Here on the Dental Implant Machine blog and one-one-one with our clients, we share our client stories as well as tips, tricks, and tools to help you run your practice with less stress while still growing and expanding in your local market.

We love our clients and celebrate together the success of their growth as well as the results they achieve for their happy and smiling patients.

Dental Implant Machine has generated over $150,000,000 in treatments starts for their clients and serves as the consultant and advisor to some of the biggest and best clinics in the country including: Nuvia, Heartland, and North American Dental Group

Interested in growing your practice?

If there’s something you are currently struggling with in your practice please schedule a time to chat and we can direct you to resources to help you get to the next level.

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Set up a FREE Strategy Session and learn how Dental Implant Machine generates highly qualified leads AND provides you a system to manage the leads and automatically nurtures them to start treatment with your practice.

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