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Learn how you can get a 30-day test drive of the dental implant marketing system that is responsible for over $150 Million in new patient treatment starts.

Dr. Wesley made $1M in Dental Implant Cases by leveraging his staff

Dr. Wesley from SplenDent Implant Center is the newest member of the Two Comma Club! He attributes his success to his staff and their team approach. 

A fun fact about Dr. Wesley is that he was part of the team that helped develop the teeth in a day implant procedure. 

Dental Implant Lead Generation & Sales Training

According to Dr. Wesley, Dental Implant Machine has been a huge help in propelling his dental implant production. Dental Implant Machine brings teamwork to the forefront, from getting leads and dental patients through the door; to coaching the staff on how to transform the dental office environment into one where the patients feel comfortable and trust in you. 

Train Yourself and Your Team in Dental Implant Sales

Dr. Wesley recommends training yourself and your team because you will not know everything. You may have trained in implant dentistry, but there is so much more that goes into getting dental implant patients through your doors and helping them understand:

  1. Why dental implants are the solution for them,
  2. How you are the right doctor to partner with for their implant treatment.

Being able to talk to your patients in a way they understand makes a huge difference. If they don’t understand all the complicated terminology you throw at them, they’ll end up asking the assistants and admin people to explain things in layman’s terms. And that is one way to tank the case. If they don’t understand, they’ll be less likely to trust you as their doctor. 

Keep your dental practice staff in the know

Every single person on your team should know what’s going on, they should learn all the vocabulary and terminology that you use. Have them sit in and get involved in cases and surgery. Having them observe and be a part of processes that they normally aren’t a part of, will make your office run better. “That’s a team, right? You have to know who’s playing where, and sometimes mix and match a little bit so everybody knows what they’re going through.

Being able to help people get their confidence and their smile back is incredible. Dr. Wesley shares that you need to do well for the patients, and be honest, transparent, and upfront with them. We all have limitations within our skills, just do the best you can and with the help of an excellent marketing team like Dental Implant Machine, you too will be able to reach great success. They even offer your first 30 days for free.

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