Getting Leads but No Call Backs? How to Get More Dental Implant Patients to Return Your Calls
Hi, I am one of the success coaches here at Dental Implant Machine. I just got off a phone call with one of my clients from New York city. I wanted to share with you how it went and what we have decided that we are going to change and implement into their practice to really increase success for them.
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Patients Ignoring Your Calls? Leave Them a Personalized Voicemail
One thing that I want to highlight is positivity. It is something that this office embodies so well. Their appointment setter is a very positive person, I can always hear the smile on her voice when she talks to patients.
However, there was one thing that she was struggling with: she was having a hard time getting patients to call her back. So we dug into that a bit more and we realized that maybe our voicemails aren’t actually engaging. A lot of the time, our voicemails can sound something like: “Hi, this is Summer from Dental Implant Machine. I was giving you a call back. I would really like to talk to you. Here’s my number.”

Create Incentive for Your Patients to Want to Return Your Calls
They weren’t exciting and didn’t have much incentive for the person to want to call back. It sounded dull – nothing personal. It sounded like a generic message where they might just think you’re trying to meet a quota and call as many people as you can without much thought put into it.
But what if we switched it up and made it a personal connection like:
“Hi, Jane Doe. I saw that you said X, Y, and Z on the form you filled out – that is something we are experts in and we can help you get your smile back. My doctor would really like to meet you. They wanted me to give you a call so that you could come in and see us. I’m super excited to get to talk to you. Please call me back at this number.”
Being Positive and Paying Attention to Your Patients Can Make All the Difference
That sounds completely different. The positivity is shining through, and we’re also tailoring the message to the patient specifically. Based on what they answered in the form they submitted, we can bring up that information and show them that we pay attention and we care about their response, and most importantly that we want to help them.
I provided my client with some different scripting to use, pretty simple but more specific to the patient. They’re going to utilize that and we will see how many patients are listening to the voicemails and how many will be calling their office back to schedule an appointment. I’m excited to see the results for them!
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