The 95/5 Rule and Other Growth SOPs from All-Star Dental Consultant, Eric Vickery

SPECIAL GUEST: Eric Vickery, President of Coaching at All-Star Dental Academy

In this episode, Jacob Hiller and Eric Vickery explore the best strategies to use when presenting full-arch dental implant treatment plans. Listen to find out how Eric and his team of experts are helping dentists dominate their local dental implant market!

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About Eric Vickery

Holding a degree in Business Administration, Eric brings a strong business and systems approach to his clients. Having managed dental practices for over ten years, combined with utilizing Dental practice management training, Eric has led teams to improving their practices through Coaching since 2001. Eric brings verbal skills, systems training and his engaging and humorous delivery to all of his seminar leading. Eric has been a key contributor to the Coaching Services programs through the development of his Practice Monitoring Systems. He is Coaching Dental offices all over the Country who benefit from his experience in coaching over 250 dental offices since 2001. He is an expert on case acceptance verbal skills and the DISC personality profile. He has a passion for stopping cancellations, handling patient objections, and asking patients for referrals/reviews. With his expertise in financial arrangements, third party financing and eliminating dependence on insurance. Eric and his wife Abby are the proud parents of four children and live in northern California.


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The 95/5 Rule and Other Growth SOPs from All-Star Dental Consultant, Eric Vickery

Read the full conversation with Full-Arch experts, Eric Vickery and Jacob hiller

Jacob Hiller: Hello everybody. Welcome to full art secrets. Here, we talk about how to grow your dental implant and full arts portion of your clinic today. Met with Shelley Van Epps, she’s a consultant, awesome lady to work with and she hooked me up with Eric Vickery. I’m so grateful to have you on here we connected last week was it you just drop it so much good information and…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: I was like man we got to get you on kind of go over some of the content that you shared with me. So you’re with All-Star Dental Academy. Just a little bit of your bio sounds like you’ve been in the industry for 10 years.

Eric Vickery: That’s yes.

Jacob Hiller: You want to tell us but how you came

Eric Vickery: So I started in dentistry in 199 So this is my 25th year of talking dentistry. I started coaching in 2001, 22nd year of coaching offices and…

Jacob Hiller: Okay.

Eric Vickery: Shelley’s, one of my associate coaches. You’re right. She is phenomenal at All-Star Dental Academy and All Stars is just an amazing place for people to grow and transform in their ability to provide customer service in case acceptance in a nutshell.

Jacob Hiller: what? I was impressed with and what I love to talk about is how to help patients make the right, health decision without coming across sales and had mentioned that as soon as you start working with the clinic, you start to rate them and kind of two categories, did you want to talk to me a little bit about the categories and how they both have to kind of link up

Eric Vickery: So Oftentimes, what we find appropriately. So is dentists aren’t pursuit of that magd or aacd whatever it is, They’re in pursuit of that to be that level 10 Dentist and I completely agree with that. That is your foundation and that is key to being able to provide great care. the Simultaneous requirement, is that you’re in pursuit of? Relation as emotional intelligence called it relationship management skills. The human skills, it’s been called soft skills, Your ability to communicate that level of expertise. You have will determine the perception of which the patient has of you. So if you’re a level 10 clinician but you’re a level five communicator, your patients will see you as a level Five clinician.

Eric Vickery: Caveat let’s flip it if you’re a level three clinician but you’re a Level 10 communicator. You’re a phony. So it really does take being notch in both categories and so think about the amount of time you spend on your clinical CE And then correlate to that how much time do I continue to educate and grow myself in the Human Skills department. The ability to communicate my skill set and that’s where we come in. That’s what I’ve been studying and doing for the last 20 plus years. When it comes to getting patients healthier faster, more dentistry per visit case. Acceptance would be the phrase we love to use in dentistry and you mentioned it before, without How do we approach this and in dentistry sell as a four letter word, it’s the s word. And the reason for that is…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah, right.

Eric Vickery: because we don’t like pressure sales.

Eric Vickery: As human beings in dentistry, We’re here to care for the patient. We want to get them healthy. We want to provide a great service, we start drawing a line when it comes to selling. and It’s fair, but there’s a problem with that couple reasons one. There is no profession where there is no Selling an idea. Even a preacher is selling an idea for free, to pay any money, right? You’re buying into something. If you do that right or an artist still paints the portrait and at some point sells it and somebody sells it for more money and so So in dentistry we can call it case, presentation treatment plan, presentation review of findings, consults, whatever it is. But at the end of the day, there’s a cell in there. And what we want to be comfortable with is not applying pressure

Eric Vickery: So we want to do it in a way that the patient says, I want that instead of us saying You need that. And so when we do our events, we do a two-day event. All over the country different times of the year would typically lead with this and Who loves selling and dentistry and nobody raises their hand, maybe one person, and

Eric Vickery: we also portray to them and help them understand. If you don’t like pressure sales, then why do we hear this? Quote all the time and dental offices. All right? Jacob. You need four quads of scaling and three crowns. That is pressure selling, right? You need something is pressure sales. I would rather you tell me, Hey, I want to fix that those three teeth. And I want to save my teeth or whatever it is, right? Or I want to be able to chew the way I want and hear that same word that’s what we’re looking for. So there’s a way to provide customer service to the point of which the patient feels like they’re getting good advice from some of they trust and therefore they actually respond to us in the conversation in the people skills and the human skills where they’re actually asking for the solution. That’s what we’re talking about. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: I see, it’s funny. You say that because I was at the dentist and they just Point blank,…

Eric Vickery: Okay.
Jacob Hiller: you didn’t crown. You decavity, you need filling and the way it was it was just and they just started and I was like it’s just like and I didn’t even know it was gonna be covered and I was young at the time and I walked away from that experience and…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: And I said the dentist at that time were scam. Yeah. It made…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: It may be pressure and it could have been the right thing. it just didn’t feel right. And so I’ve obviously turned the corner…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: since then and I love this whole process especially full large dental. I love the outcome. So there’s the clinical expertise right?

Eric Vickery: Yeah, so true.

Jacob Hiller: Which is Needed. And then there’s the ability to communicate that with the customer,…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: and, if you’re one of them, then you’re a phony, and if you’re the other one, then, …

Eric Vickery: You’re minimizing yourself.

Jacob Hiller: you just look different based.

Eric Vickery: Yeah, you’re not giving yourself access to do the type of dentistry. You want to do, how many full arch cases? Are you doing, you’ve had this clinical training, you want to do it but something’s getting in the way and oftentimes we hear the blame of what we’re just not getting enough new patients or somebody in the phone isn’t converting. The phone calls or not in That’s why here all the time people in my town. Yeah, don’t do that, And what I would challenge you with is saying, Okay, what got you here, will not get you there.

Eric Vickery: you to this point will not get you the point you want to be. So, something’s got to change. That’s that. Definition of saty. Doing the same thing over and over again. Expecting a different result. You’re gonna keep running the same brick wall over and over and over again. And so if your results are at X, but you’re trying to get to five your X, you want to get to five your results. you’re getting are from the actions you’re taking. these actions that you’re taking over and over again. You never change them. You never change your results.

Eric Vickery: And many dentists and dental team members, especially have to understand that you act and behave this way because you believe it’s supposed to be done a certain way. And that’s how,…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: that’s how they taught me to do it. I’ve always done it this way, that’s how they said to do it. And I’m like, Who’s they? So oftentimes we’re giving you information systems, verbal skills, and training that challenges that belief system and say, I didn’t know that, I need to behave a certain way. Now, I’ve got different results and that’s what we’ll get you there. So that’s the results for me or the growth formula that we use and say, Okay, you’re doing this that way. Okay? Or I’ll tell you. So cancellations right? You keep getting cancellations. And this is admin, team members will always finish my sentence. When I say this, I’ll say you’re doing out outbound calls as your courtesy calls for the upcoming big appointment with the doctor and you reach out to them. Let’s say it’s a crown, for example, simple example, and
Eric Vickery: The patient picks the phone and says, Betty. I’m so glad you called me. I was just getting ready to call you, that tooth. it’s not even bothering me. So I’m gonna go ahead and wait. Okay, what happens is. Dental team member says, Okay, call over done and then hang up the phone. They let the doctor know, or maybe they don’t and then patient ends up the, toothache down the line and wants to schedule a crown and they got to be told, No, it’s not a crown, it’s a root canal. So, here’s the point. That patient is believing something. Therefore acting a certain way. We see it over and over and over again. And therefore the result we get as a cancellation. No crown.
Eric Vickery: we have to do as team members, this is just simultaneously. Realize we have to help the patient, believe something, give them the information, they need to therefore, make a decision that changes that reaction, if you keep getting that same phone call over and over and over again. Once a week, four times a month, whatever it is. And they’re canceling because it’s not bothering them. We’re not saying something correctly at the time of presentation to get them to keep the appointment. So what we do is we just help you identify those things that are happening and All right, we can actually tweak what you said, chairside three weeks ago to get this appointment scheduled. So if they actually keep it, it’s human skills, it’s the verbal skills to get them there. So yeah.

Jacob Hiller: So in that case, where they call up Hey looks like I’m doing, okay. Now I’m going to cancel this, We focus on the caller but maybe where we need to put some focus is on the perspective and the beliefs that we inculcated at the time Of the console.

Eric Vickery: The diagnosis. Exactly. So you got to go back in time and Sarah. Let’s fix that system. So we have gosh, 25 systems that are verbal skill systems that are human skill systems. That change the behavior of your,…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: your team, therefore change the behavior of your patient. So, for example, one of the rules that we use is people don’t buy a solution to a problem. They don’t perceive to have So I’ll say that again, people don’t buy a solution a crown to a problem pain,…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: they don’t perceive to have so when you’re saying yeah I don’t like selling dentistry. I don’t either don’t tell a patient they need a crown because then you’re gonna get that response. It’s not bothering me. Why would I spend 1500 dollars? the non dental human being majority of the time. When you ask them, We get these callers all the time. How much is a crown?

Eric Vickery: We believe they’re price shopping when they’re in pain. We just don’t investigate in the phone. Call enough to open up the conversation and find out. They haven’t been the dentist for years. They got a toothache, the general public believes. When they are in pain, it requires a crown to get a pain, they don’t equate root canal. They don’t equate a crown to preventing Pain or toothache. And so, the system that you use, in that case, acceptance process, the 95.5 roll, just something a number, I made up meaning

Eric Vickery: It’s not the 595 rule, it’s a 95.5 roll, which means 95% of the time, when you’re communicating your patients, your focused on the problem, the consequences of that without scaring or intimida them, helping them understand the diagnosis well enough. So they can process and make it most dental offices, and the Most dental office is focus on the 5%. It becomes the 595 if they even do the 95. Jacob You need a crown Go up front. Betty should get you scheduled you have any questions for me? That’s what they believe their case presentation is when it completely is missing the point. If people don’t buy a solution to a problem, they don’t perceive to have your job in selling is to, therefore, sell the problem. That’s the first nugget that you have to really understand, and you got to do it. you can’t do that in a wavering way.

Eric Vickery: Jacob, you kind of have this little fracture up here on this tune, the upper, right? And if you want to think about it and consider it, and probably maybe kind of do something about online. I focused on how you focus on it, the verbal skills, you use play a huge role in that as well. Okay, makes sense.

Jacob Hiller: Yeah, I think so. The 95/5 if we obey that rule, does that have us? Communicating with more empathy in the end.

Eric Vickery: You’re actually able to get the patient. So in sync with your ability to diagnose, it feels like you are Because you’re coming across this concern, the key word we use all the time is Jacob I’m just concerned about this Toothnic right. It’s got a fracture in it. I could show you other patients experiences with this imagery that we have. The reason I’m so concerned about it is what’s to come? It’s a crack in the windshield and every time you hit a bump and you have a crack in your windshield. What happens? Jacob. Just grows,…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: grows and eventually that two splits, it breaks off the gum line. You can’t save it always best before it hurts before they’re severe emergency to take care of it. Does that make sense? And coming across this empathetic, you’re coming across as compassionate when you do that.

Jacob Hiller: And I think in the case for dental implants, it could be bone loss or other things that happen.

Eric Vickery: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: Yeah, I like that. The keyword there is concerned.

Eric Vickery: The key word is concerned and leads to, those are the phrases. We really want to focus on with patients because Here, again, it’s not bothering me right now. I’m gonna go ahead and wait or, I have a missing too. That’s not bothering me right now and so you could say, Jacob, I totally get it. Imagine you have Just two rows of books, not a bookshelf but she rose a books and you pull one of those books out what happens.

Eric Vickery: All those books start to dischemy in and then the bindings on the side, get weak, and they break, and it’s like, putting your knuckles together. We put our fists together, we don’t put our knuckle on knuckle. We groove in, that’s how your teeth are meant to align. And when you remove a tooth or something’s angled and you’re hitting incorrectly like that. Now you’re breaking off one too. So that one missing tooth is the first domino to fall as the rest start to break and fall and then you lose the bone underneath that as well. It’s like building a house on the beach, on the sand just washing away, that’s what’s happening. When that bone starts to disappear because you’re not using it. And so, if you say, I’ll just do it down the line, Here’s the problem. And so we’re creating urgent seeing value, which is the biggest objection. Most people will say Money, is the one objection. It is not urgency, is the number one. Objection money is an excuse. But I don’t see value in…

Jacob Hiller: Okay.

Eric Vickery: what you’re doing. It’s not bothering me right now. They say things like, I can’t afford it right now. I’m gonna wait.

Eric Vickery: They don’t know what weight means for them. So in your compassionate way, you can sell the condition and the consequence was happening. I’m just transferring information.

Jacob Hiller: You’re building a new belief, a new perspective and your educating essentially.

Eric Vickery: Yes, yes. Yeah. And that goes back to years and years ago, people would say if you just educate, the patient, they’ll do what’s in their best interest. Not really, it’s how you educate them that will help them do what’s in their best interest because you can educate them really poorly.
Jacob Hiller: So the difference between educating here’s that material and more contextualizing. Here’s how this Relates to you.

Eric Vickery: Yeah. That’s right.

Jacob Hiller: Here’s what could lead to so that. Yeah.

Eric Vickery: Yeah, you said relates to you. That’s a key part of this. So if Part One is, people don’t buy a solution to a problem. They don’t perceive to have. Then part two is people buy for So when you’re educate them. Okay if you or me I’d go ahead and get three crowns done up here, Or I would replace this with a full arch set of implants with it with a denture that step, all that stuff. You start talk about things you’re excited about it. Comes from your perspective and they don’t care how many initials you have after your name at that point. That’s being the clinician and not the communicator. If I could truly understand what’s important to this person, I will sell them that. Not the denture, right? So they understand, they have a problem, they understand. There’s a missing tooth there and an implants the solution, but why is it important for them? So finding why? Actually.

Eric Vickery: Really precludes, right? It’s way before any exam is done. You’re actually conversing with your patient in a way to find out, not only what they want for their health of their mouth, but why they want that. And so the system we teach in that is people buy for Not Find out Why are they there? And then sell them that. And so how that sounds? I say. Jacob. Earlier you share with me that you just didn’t want to lose your teeth, like your grandfather did that, you wanted to have peace of mind, knowing that things are healthy. And now you’re in this place where you’re missing one tooth I’m concerned about the other teeth and how they’re all starting to shift and move and change position.

Eric Vickery: That’s the domino effect. We talked about, where it’s leading from one to connect next. Okay, now I’m gonna push the pause button. I led with earlier, you told me was important to you was and I just replayed your why is? So when I wrote the case presentation formula, I don’t know. 16 years ago with my mastermind group. Ted Morgan David Peer Dr. Kevin Devine, sitting down and writing this out How does the human brain work as its processing to make this decision? If we know people don’t buy a solution to a problem? They don’t perceive to have and people buy for Not your reasons, How do we put those things together As we communicate to the patient in a way that says. All right, I’m going to increase my batting average of them getting healthier. And so this is how We lead with the why.

Eric Vickery: And so again these are all things that we teach and train our clients on we have for now over two decades and it’s something that’s really important for the team to grasp and say What got me here will not get me there. I don’t have time to do this, right? We’re back at the belief. I don’t have time to do that interview. Eric, I’m running through. what’s the problem with your time then? So in coaching we look at it go. your network with every single insurance company in the world. you’re just running right? And running and you don’t have time to pull away from that system, and implement something that will actually make you more. Profitable make the patient healthier. And so then we deal with how to be insurance free first. And so again, sometimes your beliefs get in the way of the proper action. That makes sense. Okay.

Jacob Hiller: I see that does make sense and you mentioned something and we all know there’s a clinical exam when you go to it and…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: you had mentioned this idea that there’s an emotional exam that takes place is during that emotional exam.

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: Sound like, you kind of have a frame for that,…

Eric Vickery: Yes. Yes,…

Jacob Hiller: is that where you discover why

Eric Vickery: that’s exactly where you discover the why. So before you ever do the exam, you’re sitting talking to patient, you’re building a rapport, you’re creating relationship with them when you’re building trust and you’re having a conversation with them. And you’re basically just saying, Hey, Jacob, whatever is important to us, let’s talk about that. And then we go through, having you describe your smile, the appearance,…
Jacob Hiller: but,

Eric Vickery: your teeth, the health, the positives, and negatives, and then we say, Okay, what is it that you’re wanting? How do you want it to? Look, How do you want to function? They’ll describe something they’ll say, I want to be able to bite into a steak, great.

Eric Vickery: You found we use a question called, Why is having that you finding why is having that so important to you? So why is having teeth so important to you? I just want to bite into some steak so functionality be able to have a healthy diet. Quality of life is now why people buy with emion justify with logic. The stake example is the emotion and now you’re not gonna sell the bells and whistles of an implant supported denture. You’re gonna sell the quality of life that’s gonna bring. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: I see why is that important to? Is kind of one of these key digging phrases to go a little bit deeper.

Eric Vickery: Yes, yes, and That’s not our We’re not a scripting company. We’re conceptual or systems what we want you to internalize it? Not memorize it. We want to be something that you believe in that works and that you do over and over and over again, you create your own version of that but that specific question is key to phrase that way. So if you’re listening to this, you’re walking away with something. If you get to a place where your patients telling you what they want, Don’t leave it there. Don’t just say they want wider teeth, don’t just say, they want, implant support dentures. Don’t just let them say they want.

Eric Vickery: I don’t know. Yeah. Miss Replacement teeth, healthy. Just want to keep my teeth. We hear that a lot as we keep my teeth, don’t stop there. Get to why is it important for you to save your teeth? Why is it important for you to replace your missing teeth? That will give you something. We call it the heart of the matter that will give you the heart the center, what you’re looking for. So, everything after that conversation has a purpose. Yeah. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: I see connect with deeper, not some external thing that they’re buying but connect with that deeper reason of why they want that.

Eric Vickery: And this helps team members understand. gosh, that’s why I hate selling so much. That’s why I hate telling people what they need because I’m applying this pressure telling them You need an implant supported. Denture you need an implant Here, you need a crown, you need four quads of scaling, replacing, whatever that might be. That’s what they think. when I tell him Hey, we’re gonna work on sales, they think. I’m just gonna help them do that more. saying things like, Do you see any good reason? Why you wouldn’t want to go ahead and get that scheduled. That’s not the kind of pressure. We’re trying to apply here. We’re trying to get to a place where we say, Jacob and everything we talked about today. How do you feel about moving forward with this plan? And it’s just this wide open discussion that they feel comfortable with. And now there’s no pressure, it’s still sales. But there’s no pressure. You feel like you’re getting good advice from somebody you trust and you’re slowly moving forward and in that process to large case acceptance small or large. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: Do you feel that positioning yourself would be more as a guide than a salesperson where you’re,…

Eric Vickery: Yeah. No completely agree.

Jacob Hiller: with them looking the same direction with them? Guide them rather than externally trying to sell them?

Eric Vickery: I’m thinking of some of my coaches now teams I’ve trained over the last, 20 plus years. The ones who really get this and do this. They love being able to be the patient advocate. They’re the ones stepping in the role. It could be dentist but they’re the one step in the role saying All right Dr. Smith, would work best. Here’s what this patient’s looking for. How can we help them get there and then they’re just figuring out from there?

Jacob Hiller: So getting better at the sales process actually makes them feel more connected to their patient and they’re advocating for their patients need once.

Eric Vickery: Yeah. Yeah, there’s nothing more. We like than seeing a patient, really happy with the results and loving what we’ve done for them. the patient didn’t have any teeth sloppy denture. I’m biting into the apple and we’re videotaping that and we’re all standing around clapping. I mean that’s what we’re in pursuit of, right? So that’s When we’re selling something,…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: that’s what we’re trying to get to. And when you start having those wins, when you use this verbiage and you having those winds and winning people over over and over and over again, it just propels you to want to do the system more and more and more in the future. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: In the last time you also brought up this idea of approval addiction, which I never said that way. And I guess it’s this idea and…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: you can tell me more about it. But when you said it is this idea that the need to not offend or the who worked to get their approval and…

Eric Vickery: Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: alter or shape the way we communicate and kind of get us off kilter what is that approval addiction?

Eric Vickery: In common terms, it’s fear of rejection. I have this subconscious or conscious fear. So, to ask. patients, never even get to say Yeah I believe this is a problem and yes I’d like for you to solve it. Because we don’t even ask them that we just say Are you have this problem? Here’s a solution. You need to go up front. Get the scheduled and I got to get out of the room quick before they say no. It’s actually okay I would rather you hear someone who says, no, because it then starts to help you equate where you missed in the conversation, prior. I did something different with this patient. They said, No, I didn’t focus on this. So you’re constantly evaluating. It’s like the Person is trying to get in shape. But you never step on the scale. Versus the person who’s trying to get shape and they step on a scale twice a day.
Eric Vickery: Okay, good versus the person who steps on the scale twice a day and shares their number with someone close to them. You start creating more accountability. So if you know, That you and everybody has some level of approval addiction or fear of rejection in some area of their life. It’s important to share that with someone and…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: then have some Our coaching hacks to help you overcome that. It is something that can be taught so In the emotional intelligence category that realm you cannot,…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: you cannot Expand your IQ. Your gray matter is locked in that is what it is, but you can expand your emotional intelligence, your eq that is growable. So self-awareness and self-management social awareness, and relationship management. So we’ve been talking about relationship management whole time.

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: Now we’re starting to talk about self-awareness and self-management.

Jacob Hiller: Okay.

Eric Vickery: I mean you go on Instagram right now and you search self-talk. You’re going to get Guru’s delight, I mean, it’s just gonna be everybody’s talking about self-talk. I mean, we’ve known this for a long, long time. That what’s being spoken up here is being portrayed out here. And when that self talked, that approval addiction, that fear of rejection is being spoken up. Here, it comes out and how you communicate on that scale of 1 to 10 and now your patience picking up, what you’re throwing down. They’re going. what? I just don’t think Jacob’s that confident and what he’s delivering to me. I’m gonna hold off for a bit.

Eric Vickery: And so you got to be self-aware of that. And you got to have a team who’s measuring with you stepping on a scale with you and saying, All right, here’s what I’m seeing and hearing. So I did example of it earlier, I said, you might want to think about someday considering slight chance of possibly moving forward with something like this. You want to think about it and give us a call back and let us know. these are the things that we say that come across as really approval addictive because of what’s going on upstairs. That makes sense. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: I see. Yeah and you sounds like you have a way to help officers rate themselves on a scale.

Eric Vickery: That. we would just start giving you the awareness of it right. The belief that it doesn’t exist or It’s not important which is creating bad action. So now it’s like red pill moment, do you want to know what’s in the Matrix or not? And All right, so Everybody I do have approval addiction? What level is mine? Start being self-aware of it and then What are the coaching hacks to getting through that? So things like yourself We talked about things like being a team, not a staff and how we talk to each other, how we create accountability within our team, things like watching the words that we speak.

Eric Vickery: Just being in tune my assistance actually hearing what I say after we’re done Assistant Beyond Say, identified five pillar words that are shooting ourselves in the foot doctor. You said there was a tiny gap back there, it really minimized, the severity of the condition and why would someone spend thousands of dollars to fix this tiny problem? And so, that approval addiction shows up in a lot of ways. And you actually have to go through the system and say, Right, let’s analyze Coach perfect, analyze, Coach pursue excellence, work on work on it, that makes sense. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: That makes sense. So you kind of have some tools and analyzes that you help team members go through to rate their addiction and…

Eric Vickery: Yeah, and it’s Go ahead,…

Jacob Hiller: I was doing Yeah, right.

Eric Vickery: yeah. it’s a never-ending pursuit of always getting better.

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: You’re either growing or declining. I’ve reached Plateau. I’m good. you have the pictures? All the awards on the back. I’m sure you got five and you’re like, All right, We’re good. No, it’s like you’re constantly looking for pursuit. The goalpost is console being moved back, we are in an infinite process,…

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: it does not end, So, I mean, I first learned about approval addiction in 1998, and I still do all the coaching hacks. I still do them every single day. All day long. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: Awesome about that. I just want to go over some, there’s a lot.We’re not going to cover today.

Eric Vickery: Yeah. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: Honest, I would just keep going but Also you use the disc program to help. Tell me about a little bit.

Eric Vickery: Just yeah we use Disk Personality Profile in our Level. One Mastery series, we use Strengthsfinder in our Two Mastery series and we use emotional intelligence in our level three which I’ve talked about. So EQ.

Jacob Hiller: Okay.

Eric Vickery: So all three of those are ways to analyze who I am as an individual. Therefore, I know where I’m at so I can figure out how to grow. So simple terms Disk is just personality,…

Jacob Hiller: Okay.

Eric Vickery: introvert, people task, very simple.

Jacob Hiller: Yeah, and I know you teach a phone call framework called a-t. Yeah.

Eric Vickery: Yeah, the great call process. So all Star Dental Academy, Alex and Heather. Nottingham are my partners and they just took this customer service experience to help administrative team members have a structure and outlined to know how should this new patient process. How can I make the patient have a ex great experience and how can I have a number of new patients? Schedule versus more than those that don’t schedule. And I think most office team members will say, we know we don’t schedule everybody who calls, what’s that percentage, and What’s that rate? And this is a system built around helping you in a customer service relationship. Rapport building way, schedule more. So it’s greeting. It’s reports engage. It’s asked for the appointment. It’s take the information that’s the outline. Yeah, Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: Okay, that’s the great call. And just kind of good idea. I know that you guys do events. I think you have programmed, you have a membership. Let’s say we have some doctors on here with their staff. They’re thinking I’d like to dip into this. What do you think is the next step for them to see where they might fit in with that consultation call with you or…

Eric Vickery: Yeah. Yeah.

Jacob Hiller: we’ll be?

Eric Vickery: Just email us like I mentioned Heather Nottingham we’re at All Star So you just email Heather at All Star

Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: So how’s listen to Eric and Jacob talk about this. I’m interested in learning more. We have a very easy way to get in into what we teach, which is an online.

Eric Vickery: 24/7. I mean it just goes for a vast library of training through the All Star, Dental Academy website, our platform. we have live coaching…
Jacob Hiller: Yeah.

Eric Vickery: which is what we’ve been talking about a lot today and then two to four times a year, we have events all over the country. Today events that teach everything possible in two days and we have all star mastery. Level One, two, and three level. One is the, belief. my gosh, I didn’t know, right? And then the action becomes coaching, we have a level two which is the action where you’re actually working with others. You’re learning more things like strength finder and such. And you’re working with people getting your hands on it and role playing and practices and pushing yourself. Level Three is an individual event for just those that really want to take it to the next level and master their life. And it’s just a powerful.

Eric Vickery: Continuum. That’s has a framework to it. That says, If you want this, this is a great structure to support you in pursuing that achievement. You want that end goal you want. So yeah, All Star Dental Academy Comm You just reach out to us.

Jacob Hiller: Awesome.

Eric Vickery: We’d be happy to talk to you more about just schedule a consult with us and you figured out what would help you the most.


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