Fono Vakalahi, the Setter Center Manager at Dental Implant Machine shares some tips on how to be a successful appointment setter. The First 7 to 10...
Leaving a Perfect Voicemail Message for your Dental Implant Leads
Getting Leads but No Call Backs? How to Get More Dental Implant Patients to Return Your Calls Hi, I am one of the success coaches here at Dental...
2 Comma Club Interview with Dr. Berger
Dr. Jacob Berger from Smiles at Lakewood Ranch is the newest member of the two comma club! Dr. Berger's mission is to care for his patients with...
2CC in ’23 Part 2: How to make your next million in dental implant treatments
During the previous webinar of our 2CC in '23 Challenge, we were introduced to Sir Dave Brailsford and the British cycling team. Long story short,...
No more “no-shows”: How this dental implant practice got patients to show up to their consultations
Hello, my friends, it is Kevin at Dental Implant Machine. I hope you're doing well. I am here in the office early this morning to share with you an...
Taking on a Successful Mindset During Dental Marketing
When it comes to any kind of marketing or sales efforts across numerous industries, a good mindset is vital for marketers and those who will be...
We’re so confident that you will love the dental implant lead generation and sales strategies we’ve developed, that we’ll give you your first 30 days of service for no cost.
Go on, try it out.
It’s been just over 25 days since we launched with Dental Implant Machine.
We’ve already had over 160 inquiries and closed our first dental implant treatment in the first 10 days. We’ve also scheduled multiple consultations and have two more patients ready to book implant treatments.
It completely blew me out of the water. I was only expecting 10-15 leads a month!
Jumpstart Your Dental Implant Practice with High-Paying Dental Implant Patients Every Month
Our Dental Implant Machine system uses the dental implant funnel to take your prospects by the hand and walk them through each phase of the sales process. Then hands them off to your staff at the right time so you get more dental implant starts.